Something to Laugh about

Materials from forwarded mails

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Guy& Girl

1. Without women you will not be here today.
2. Worship women, anyone who is a woman. Cos every woman is like your mum, don't rape a woman, unless u'r willing to rape ur own mum.
3. Women are superior to men, bcos u need more than 40 million sperms to fertilize an ovum/egg. Guys, that's quantity, not quality!!!!!!!!
4.Sperms are 75 000 times smaller than ovum's.
5. Females have two x chromosomes, which carry genes. Males have only one X chromosome, and these x chromosomes come from ur mother only. Males all ur genes except ur sex come from ur mother.
6. X chromosomes bears over 2 500 genes, Y carries only 15. U have 2 485 genes less than a female.
7. A male is a biological accident. Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene.
8. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, thus a walking abortion. (Males u r cascaded)
9. From health statistics, in the past 50 years, average volume of ejaculate declined by 20%, and sperm quality is dropping.
10. There is a greater % of deformed and sluggish sperms. (Hahahaha)
11. Women are multi talented. They r now full time career women, and yet they can still run a household. Guys on the other hand come home from work, and complain.
12. Women have a higher threshold of pain, that's why GOD gave us the power to give birth and bring life into this world.
13. Women have a longer life expectancy.
14. Young men run a much greater risk than young women from dying of accidents and violence.
15. MEN are dumb, u r so interested in the females breasts, and IT'S ONLY a LUMP of FAT.
16. Females are highly specialised beings; we have two openings for pleasure and urine excerition. U guys only have ONE urethra where both sperm and urine passes.
17. And for ur extra info, urine is acidic, which makes it an unsuitable condition for sperm.
18. In the brain, testosterone is converted to estrogen, to bring about its stimulatory effects. SO listen up guys, the male hormone has to be changed into the female hormone to bring about masculinizing effects. U r not so macho without female hormones.
19. Ur mitochondria (energy source) comes from ur mother not ur father. U R more female than u think!!!!
20. Males only have testosterone and a little quantity of estrogen as sex hormones. Females have more; we have estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Mind u we have more testosterone than u have of our estrogen.
21. There is a higher level of fatility in male fetuses.
22. The Y-chromosomes of males is smaller than the X chromosome, which is a female.
23. Every male is part of a female, as u carries our X chromosomes. Thus, Every male is 50% female.
24. Although females are the ones who give birth and conceive, more males are likely to have a break down during pregnancy of their spouses. U GUYS R WEAK, we go through the pain, and u cry more than we do.
25. Before u r born a male, u r a female first for the first 12 weeks in ur mothers womb.
26. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. BUT behind every successful woman, is herself.
27. The males have bigger brains than women. But WOMEN use a higher % of their brains than men.
28. Women have lower risks of high cholesterol levels, than males, all thanks to our monthly periods. So women are thankful that we menstruate.
29. Many males out there keep asking for virgin brides. Honestly if u want a virgin bride, than be a virgin urself. Don't carry STD's and give it to ur virgin bride. She doesn't deserve it.
30. There are more good-looking females out there than males. You can't count the number of extremely pretty women, its countless (Cindy Crawford, Aishwarya Rai, Elle
Macpherson, Julia Roberts, Jeniffer Lopez...). How many males can u list??? Only two in my list (my dad & Brad Pitt).
31. U find pleasure in superficial stuff (Pamela Anderson is plastic and make up) Go Get A Life!!!

So females: Stand up tall and be PROUD to be A WOMAN. We are superiors to males in many ways. Do not let males put you through shit, put u down, or use you. You are better off without a male who makes u suffer. There are more things to life than a worthless/useless guy. You are capable of achieving more than you think. You are Stronger than u think u r. Respect and honour urself, bcos u are worth more than that.

Dear Guys, treat every female like u would do towards ur mom and ur sisters. Treat them with respect and give them the love they deserve. We're sorry if we hurt some of ur feelings, we didn't mean too. And we do acknowledge that there are some guys out there who have done wonders in a woman's life. We would also like to take the opportunity to say thanx to males who have made a difference in the lives of females. : )


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