Something to Laugh about

Materials from forwarded mails

Monday, September 27, 2004

Chinese In Malaysia

Today, in Malaysia, there is no longer just the Chinese. Along the way, the Chinese people divided beyond dialects and religious faith. We now have denomination within the Chinese. The major three groups are Regular, Cina, and Ah Beng.
The Regular group is the minority, making up less than 20% of the Chinese people. This group has the following characteristics:
1. Speaks English as the first language.
2. Thinks the world owes them a living.
3. Uses the Internet more than the other two groups combined. 4. Loves the iPod and/or IKEA. 5. Watches one or more of the following TV series: "Sex and the City", "Friends", or "CSI." 6. Thinks that the Regular group is way larger than it is and makes fun of the other groups, particularly the Ah Beng group. Why? Because it's fun.

Recent studies have also shown that there is a growing splinter group within the Regular group known as the CPWTTANC group. (CPWTTANC is short for Chinese People Who Think They Are Not Chinese.) This growing subgroup are considered elitist by some and are found making statements like "I wish I were in the U.S." or "This never happened when I was studying in Australia." They also tend to speak with an unidentifiable accent. The women may also prefer to date white men from foreign countries with the excuse that local men just "don't understand me" and have the secret desire to be taken away to the U.S. to live in a sitcom.

The second Chinese group, Cina makes up approximately 55% of the Chinese community. (Cina is derived from the Malay word Cina which means Chinese and is pronounced "chee-na". And you will have to say it in a condescending tone for effect.) This group is considered mainstream and contributes to the numbers that reflect development in the country. They are the masses in context of the Chinese community. In other words, if you want to sell something to the masses of Chinese people, the Cina is it.
The Cina are identified by the following traits:
1. Speaks Mandarin or Cantonese as the first language.
2. Generally quiet, self-effacing, and obliging but are actually shrewd and calculative. 3. Sees Taiwan as the place to be. 4. More likely to forward chain email to people in their address book. 5. Goes to Halo Café or Wow Wow Café BY CHOICE at least three times a year. 6. Has Astro hardwired to Wah Lai Toi. 7. Calls a music video an MTV instead of music video. 8. Knows all the dim sum dishes by name. 9. Seventy percent of lighting at home generated by fluorescent lights. The last group is known as the Ah Bengs. This term was probably made up by the Regulars in the early 80s during the cultural invasion that saw the mass import of music and movies from countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and to some extent, Japan. This phenomenon saw the more open-minded and runaway members of the Cina group defect into Ah Bengs and its feminine equivalent, Ah Lian. They just took their Alan Tam and Anita Mui a little too seriously.

Perhaps the most made-fun-of group not only by its own Chinese people but by people of other races, the Ah Bengs is often seen as people living on the edge and has more flamboyant tastes.

One may identify the Ah Beng by these tell-tale signs:
1. Built-in visual self-defense mechanism that keeps people away from them. 2. Have enough amplifiers in their one car to power speakers for six cars. 3. Hair not in their original colour. 4. Volume of voice is automatically five decibels higher than everyone else. 5. Excessive use of the phrase "Kan Ni Na Bu Ciao Chee Bai". (Although, to be fair, some members of the Regular group have been reported to use the phrase on a daily basis as well.) 6. Once a fan of one of the following groups: Vengaboys, Dr Bombay, Aqua, or the Cheeky Girls. 7. Their Proton car does not look like a Proton car due to modifications. 8. For the Ah Lians, have at least one bag fashioned after a furry animal complete with the head.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


Why condoms are packed 3, 6, 12 to a box

A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They
happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these,
To which the man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called
condoms,son.... Men use them to have safe sex."
"Oh, I see," replied the boy pensively. "Yes, I've heard of that
in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a
package of 3 and asks,"Why are there 3 in this package?"
The dad replies, "Those are for high school boys.One for Friday,
one for Saturday, and one for Sunday."

"Cool!" says the boy.He notices a 6 pack and asks, "Then who are
these for?"

"Those are for college men." the dad answers. "Two for Friday,
two for
Saturday, and two for Sunday."

"WOW!" exclaimed the boy, "then who uses THESE?" he asks, picking up a
12 pack.

With a sigh, the dad replied "Those are for married men.One for
January, one for February, one for March........"

Marriage Humour

1. Women are unpredictable. Before marriage, she

expects a man, after marriage she suspects him, and after death she

respects him.

2. There was this guy who told his woman that he loved

her so much that he would go thru hell for her. They got married - and

now he is going thru hell.

3. A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds : "Wife

wanted ". Next day, he received a hundred letters. They all said the

same thing : "You can have mine."

4. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,

you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.

5. It's easy to tell if a man is married or not. Just

watch him drive a

car with a woman sitting beside him. If both his hands

are on the wheel, you can be sure he is married.

6. A man received a letter from some kidnappers. The

letter said, "If you don't promise to send us $100,000 I swear that we

will kidnap your wife." The poor man wrote back, " I am afraid I can't

keep my promise but I hope you will keep yours."

7. What's the matter, you look depressed." "I'm having

trouble with my wife." "What happened?" "She said she wasn't going to

speak to me for 30 days." "But that ought to make you happy." "It did,

but today is the last day."


When she is 18 - She is a football, 22 men going after

her. When she is 28 - She is a hockey ball, 8 men going after her. When

she is 38 - She is a golf ball, 1 man hitting on her. When she is 48 - She

is a pingpong ball, 2 men pushing to each other.


At 20 - A man is like a coconut, so much to offer, so little to give.

At 30 - He is like a durian, dangerous but delicious.

At 40 - He is like a watermelon, big, round and juicy.

At 50 - He is like a mandarin orange, the season comes once in a year.

At 60 - He is just like a raisin, dried out, wrinkles and cheap.

Marriage Humour In the beginning,

-- God created earth and rested. Then God created man

and rested. Then God created woman. Since then, neither God nor man has


Artist Painting Monkey

This artist is painting a Monkey..... Watch closely.

I hope you realized where the Monkey is...

Guy& Girl

1. Without women you will not be here today.
2. Worship women, anyone who is a woman. Cos every woman is like your mum, don't rape a woman, unless u'r willing to rape ur own mum.
3. Women are superior to men, bcos u need more than 40 million sperms to fertilize an ovum/egg. Guys, that's quantity, not quality!!!!!!!!
4.Sperms are 75 000 times smaller than ovum's.
5. Females have two x chromosomes, which carry genes. Males have only one X chromosome, and these x chromosomes come from ur mother only. Males all ur genes except ur sex come from ur mother.
6. X chromosomes bears over 2 500 genes, Y carries only 15. U have 2 485 genes less than a female.
7. A male is a biological accident. Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene.
8. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, thus a walking abortion. (Males u r cascaded)
9. From health statistics, in the past 50 years, average volume of ejaculate declined by 20%, and sperm quality is dropping.
10. There is a greater % of deformed and sluggish sperms. (Hahahaha)
11. Women are multi talented. They r now full time career women, and yet they can still run a household. Guys on the other hand come home from work, and complain.
12. Women have a higher threshold of pain, that's why GOD gave us the power to give birth and bring life into this world.
13. Women have a longer life expectancy.
14. Young men run a much greater risk than young women from dying of accidents and violence.
15. MEN are dumb, u r so interested in the females breasts, and IT'S ONLY a LUMP of FAT.
16. Females are highly specialised beings; we have two openings for pleasure and urine excerition. U guys only have ONE urethra where both sperm and urine passes.
17. And for ur extra info, urine is acidic, which makes it an unsuitable condition for sperm.
18. In the brain, testosterone is converted to estrogen, to bring about its stimulatory effects. SO listen up guys, the male hormone has to be changed into the female hormone to bring about masculinizing effects. U r not so macho without female hormones.
19. Ur mitochondria (energy source) comes from ur mother not ur father. U R more female than u think!!!!
20. Males only have testosterone and a little quantity of estrogen as sex hormones. Females have more; we have estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Mind u we have more testosterone than u have of our estrogen.
21. There is a higher level of fatility in male fetuses.
22. The Y-chromosomes of males is smaller than the X chromosome, which is a female.
23. Every male is part of a female, as u carries our X chromosomes. Thus, Every male is 50% female.
24. Although females are the ones who give birth and conceive, more males are likely to have a break down during pregnancy of their spouses. U GUYS R WEAK, we go through the pain, and u cry more than we do.
25. Before u r born a male, u r a female first for the first 12 weeks in ur mothers womb.
26. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. BUT behind every successful woman, is herself.
27. The males have bigger brains than women. But WOMEN use a higher % of their brains than men.
28. Women have lower risks of high cholesterol levels, than males, all thanks to our monthly periods. So women are thankful that we menstruate.
29. Many males out there keep asking for virgin brides. Honestly if u want a virgin bride, than be a virgin urself. Don't carry STD's and give it to ur virgin bride. She doesn't deserve it.
30. There are more good-looking females out there than males. You can't count the number of extremely pretty women, its countless (Cindy Crawford, Aishwarya Rai, Elle
Macpherson, Julia Roberts, Jeniffer Lopez...). How many males can u list??? Only two in my list (my dad & Brad Pitt).
31. U find pleasure in superficial stuff (Pamela Anderson is plastic and make up) Go Get A Life!!!

So females: Stand up tall and be PROUD to be A WOMAN. We are superiors to males in many ways. Do not let males put you through shit, put u down, or use you. You are better off without a male who makes u suffer. There are more things to life than a worthless/useless guy. You are capable of achieving more than you think. You are Stronger than u think u r. Respect and honour urself, bcos u are worth more than that.

Dear Guys, treat every female like u would do towards ur mom and ur sisters. Treat them with respect and give them the love they deserve. We're sorry if we hurt some of ur feelings, we didn't mean too. And we do acknowledge that there are some guys out there who have done wonders in a woman's life. We would also like to take the opportunity to say thanx to males who have made a difference in the lives of females. : )

Smart Boy

This is really good........

Smart Boy

A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Johnny what is your problem?"

Johnny answered, "I'm too smart for the first Grade. My sister is in the third grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third-grade too!"

Ms Brooks had enough. She took Johnny to the principal's office. While Johnny waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was.

The principal told Ms Brooks he would give the boy a test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first grade and behave.

She agreed. Johnny was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

Principal: "What is 3x 3?" Johnny: "9".

Principal: "What is 6 x 6?" Johnny: "36".

And so it went with every question the principal thought a third- grade should know. The principal looks at Ms Brooks and tells her, "I think Johnny can go to the third-grade."

Ms Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions?" The principal and Johnny both agree.
Ms Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of? Johnny, after a moment "Legs."

Ms Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"

Johnny: "Pockets."

Ms Brooks: What starts with a C and ends with a T is hairy, oval, and delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?

Johnny: Coconut

Ms Brooks: What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky? The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer, But Johnny was taking charge.

Johnny: Bubblegum

Ms Brooks: What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs? The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer... Johnny: Shake hands.

Ms Brooks: Now I will ask some "Who am I" sort of questions, okay?

Ms Brooks: You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do. Johnny: Tent.

Ms Brooks: A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first.

The Principal was looking restless and a bit tense. Johnny: Wedding Ring.

Ms Brooks: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good.

Johnny: Nose.

Ms Brooks: I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver.

Johnny: Arrow.

Ms Brooks: What word starts with 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?

Johnny: Fire truck.

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher,

"Send Johnny to University, I got the last ten questions wrong myself!"